
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Addendum, Epilogue

The topic of card bloggers retiring from their blog and migrating to social media has come up a lot lately. Let me tell you why I would never make such a move...

Friday morning I posted my most recent Sports Card Tour stop, Salt Lake City. I mentioned that Salt Lake City is home to an MLS franchise, a minor league baseball team, and a wonderful girl whom I crushed on for many years.

In the afternoon my wife took the girls to her mother's and I had the house to myself. I'll be there for the Fourth of July cookout by the time you read this, so I saw no reason to go two days in a row. I had planned on scrolling through my blogroll, leaving a few comments, and starting my San Antonio post. 

Instead I decided to check in with that girl....

My previous blog The Pedestrian Writer was a place for me to share some of my story ideas, favorite songs, life lessons, crushes, etc. Some of you have read (or written) blogs that mention attractive women - from actors and singers to sideline reporters to stars of wrestling/fight sports. I did a lot of that, too. But the one girl that really captured my heart wasn't famous.

I'm long past the phase of swooning over a girl and journaling my thoughts. And this isn't the place for that, anyhow. Let's just say that she had a light inside of her that drew me in like a moth. She had a lot of struggles in her life but managed to stay positive and fight for her joy. She was a beautiful person inside and out.

She's mostly gone from the social media haunts I found her on, and I disconnected from them - and her - some time ago. But when I re-read that line in my SLC post I decided to do something I had only done once this year. I checked her Instagram.

She's engaged.

Now I want to be clear here - I'm not jealous. I'm happy. Well, actually I'm proud.

She and I communicated for a while, but we never became friends. I'm socially awkward and terrible at navigating social media. Also I'm married, which added a layer of guilt I won't get into. This is my comfort zone - long form writing. What twenty-something female wants to read blog posts? (She did, once upon a time.)

I looked at my social media experience like it was television. Everyone has a story to tell, and you're joining them in-progress. Choose to follow along, catch up, get hooked - or don't. I was hooked on her story. She even wrote a blog post page called "My Story - From Death to Life" so I felt like I was there from Season One.

Yesterday I saw the ending. She got a better job. She just moved into a house she bought with her fiancee (in SLC). They have a little puppy. 

She has the life I always hoped she would. And they lived happily ever after....

I know that my mind would have wandered her way a lot more often in the past two years, had I not decided to write a blog about sports cards. So you won't see me on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook (and definitely not Tumblr-does anyone still use that?) ostensibly because I'm avoiding poisonous political rhetoric. But secretly? Because I don't want to run into another girl like her.

Obligatory card:

She won't be a Mele much longer.


Until now, Sports Card Tour has kept me focused on positive thoughts and hobbies. This post doesn't belong here but I needed to write it as a final update on blog posts past and present. If you read this drivel, I'll award bonus SCT points to show my gratitude. 

Tomorrow we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming :-)



  1. I've been struggling with my mental health lately. It doesn't help that I found that on the last day of school I developed a crush on one of the other drivers. I'm also an admire from afar due to awkwardness, so.. What's really fun though is she drove to the same school I did.

    Anyway, I've been enjoying the tour so far.

    1. I bet you thought school crushes were a thing we left behind after graduation! Mental health issues are tough to address (I'm struggling with them, too) Hoping things get better for you over the summer.

  2. I don't envy you millennials at all. I'm glad I had my romantic experiences before the days of facebook, texting, etc. I'm sure it makes things like that much more difficult.

    1. Same. Can't imagine having to do all of that now. It's overwhelming AF.

  3. I'm always in favor of posts that place blogging above any other social medium. I agree completely.

    1. Blogging forever! I dont think I'll ever be able to edit myself down to 240 characters or whatever anyway. And I'd live in fear of being misinterpreted like Brian on Family Guy:

  4. I was kind of hoping you would share about the girl from your previous post. Keep up the blog, and I will continue to read it. I really enjoy your blog!

    1. Wasn't planning on it..until I saw the updates. Thanks for reading!

  5. The girl I had a major crush on in high school, was one of the first people that reached out to me when I joined Facebook back in 2008. That was a thrill. (I never told her how I felt, of course) She got married recently and I wasn't jealous, I was happy for her. I guess that is a sign of maturity.

    1. That's a selfless and mature feeling for sure. I don't have enough of those moments in my life. Are you still in contact with her?

  6. I actually like a non sport card type of post. It's something I have been contemplating doing myself. I don't have a love story like this, married for 16 years, but I have other fun stories to tell :)

    1. I've been married for 12. Hasn't stopped me from admiring and daydreaming..but nothing more than that. You might see more non-hobby talk on my blog in the near future, mixed in with sports and sports cards.

  7. As someone who was a fan of your other blog, I miss these kind of posts, so feel free to do them every now and again.

    P.S. Bo called you a millennial :)

    1. Thanks Jon. I've got one that's half and half coming up. I might revisit the Lighthouse story here at some point.

      The future former Miss Mele is a millennial..but I just missed the cutoff ;)

  8. Good post. An ex of mine recently popped up on a mutual friend's Facebook, and I couldn't help but check to see how she was doing. She was married, had kids and a job she enjoyed. She seemed happy, and I was happy for her. Things often don't work out the way we plan at any given time, but in retrospect it's usually for the best.

    1. Right on..everything happens for a reason. And I used to do the same thing on FB, I'd see what my exes or crushes past/present were up to. Just to know, because you care and you want to see them do well.

  9. I enjoy getting to know the he authors of the posts as much as the cardboard they share. Thanks for sharing this part of your life. Looking forward to the next stop on the card tour.

    1. Thank you for the encouragment, and for sharing your personal thoughts lately as well. I was hoping you'd sign up for the giveaway but I'm glad you're reading along.

  10. In my lonely bachelor days, I'd be susceptible to crushing pretty hard on cute girls at school, online, or wherever. (ref. hidden text in this post.) Thankfully since finding my now-wife a decade+ ago, I'm done with all that. Maybe a curious fb search once in a drunken blue moon, but nothing meaningful really. I wonder if card collectors are more susceptible to obsessive/compulsive tenancies that compel us to not only search out every card we want, but also pine away over uncompleted relationships. Granted, I've been drinking tonight.

    1. Dude, you have to write more while drinking! lol..on second thought..I could probably write something similar to your hidden text without the alcohol. It wouldn't have nearly as much edgy rage as yours though.

      That is a good point about pining away over unrequited relationships, missed connections, and whatnot. I never thought about it through cards but more through my interest in books and TV shows.

  11. Online crushes? I'm either really lucky... or I'm missing out big time with this whole social media thing.

    1. I'd say you're lucky. The last thing I need to know is how many interesting and attractive women there are out there.. lol.
