
Friday, January 18, 2019

A Short Post About My First Day With the Firm

I was hired as a file clerk nearly six years ago. The girl who trained me was leaving to go to art school. Her name was Rebecca.

Rebecca shared an office with another file clerk named Tony. That office became my office for the next five and a half years. 

The pocket folders we use are about the size of a bubble mailer. Rebecca showed me how to write each file number and debtor name (last, first) at the top.

Her boss - who would become my boss - was Mr. Scheer. He had left Rebecca a healthy stack of pocket folders to file and documents to sort into each pocket. 

Mr. Scheer had written a small note to Rebecca on one of the pockets. It confused her.

"I don't know what this means." She said. "Does he want me to come see him?"

The post-it note my boss had left for her didn't say see me. It said Say Hey.

I had a hunch that she misread the meaning. "Let me see the file." I said. She turned the folder to face me. I smiled.

"His name is Willie Mays."

Not the Willie Mays, obviously. But I got the joke.

Today I went on two interviews. The first one sounded great, but it was far too inconvenient to get to on a daily basis. I would have made the effort, but when the manager told me the work day starts at 8:30 a.m. I told her I couldn't do it. My kids have school at 8:30. We have one car and can't be in two places at once. I had to decline the first job.

The second interview was in an area I had worked in previously. Much more convenient and casual, and their work day starts at 9am. My interview started ten minutes late; the guy was interviewing another candidate. I thought these were bad signs. They were not.

After a brief five minute interview I was asked when I can start. "Friday." I said.

I got the job. 

I'll let you know if I have any interesting first day stories from this job. In the meantime, I've got some trade packages to scan and discuss, and at least one to ship out. I'm sure that working full-time will change my card collecting and blogging habits in unforeseen ways, but I wouldn't trade this opportunity for a Willie Mays rookie card. 

(unless it's a PSA 5 or higher)



  1. CONGRATS!!! So happy that it worked out for you Chris, best of luck in the next stage of your working career. I'm sure full time work may leave you with a little less time for your hobby, but hopefully with the trade-off that it leaves you with a little more funds to enjoy the hobby with.

    1. That's the catch-22: either you have time, but no money.. or money, but no time. lol.

  2. I know you were not happy at that last job, so I believe this is fantastic news! Congrats!

    1. The job was always bearable enough at times, but not something I enjoyed doing, and a lot of the people I liked are gone. The regime/location change has been more trouble that it was worth, and our perks (time off/Xmas bonus) have actually decreased. It was high time I got out.

  3. Congratulations Chris. Best of luck in your new endeavor.

  4. YESSS! Congrats, and good luck. I know how stressful interviews can be. I've had 4 this month.

  5. See, I told you that you wouldn't need any luck, you were so great, that both companies wanted you!

  6. Awesome news! Congratulations!

  7. Nice! Hope the transition goes well!

  8. Congratulations and a great story.

  9. congrats! I hope it's a good fit for you. Work takes up the better part of our waking hours so it should be pleasant or at the very least, tolerable. Mine was not. After 16 years with the firm, I gave my two weeks yesterday. I'm now looking for my next employer.

    1. 16 years?? I didn't even make it to 6 without significant hits to my mental/physical health. Can't imagine how you did it, but congrats on getting out of an intolerable job. I hope your next job is rewarding and enjoyable, or at least tolerable :)

  10. Thanks, everyone. I appreciate all the kind comments-especially since the title of this post didn't indicate anything noteworthy.
