
Monday, November 2, 2020

Prop 1

I've had a long day so this will be a short post. My "hunger strike" from posting until COMC decided to ship the order I requested in July was untenable; I won't see those cards until Black Friday at the earliest. Newer purchases have kept me occupied in the meantime, but that will likely halt for a while.

My latest acquisition kinda tapped out the remaining funds for the ol' card hobby. (Notice I didn't say sports card hobby...)

I've had my eye on a wardrobe swatch of my favorite actress, Jennifer Lawrence, for about a year. J-Law is underrepresented in my collection relative to my favorite athletes. The only cards I have are this "Pretty Girls" custom:

..and the bland Hunger Games set. Leaf has produced over three dozen cards with her wardrobe relics - but not her likeness - since 2017. I've kicked the tires on some multi-actor relic cards but what I really wanted was a Prop Century piece. These are mega-swatches and I'm not sure how many were produced but they don't pop up often anymore.

An eBay seller had one listed recently for $35 or best offer. I had about $30 left from my last wave of sales and submitted an offer of $25. The seller declined. I offered $30. Declined again. Turns out, he(she?) did me a huge favor. Because less than one week after being stingy with his plain Prop Century relic this popped up:

This is the Gold Spectrum Holofoil version numbered one of one.I exceeded my budget just a bit to acquire this card. From the photo in the listing I thought it would be a pocket of a shirt or jeans but it feels like a swatch of leggings.

What are the odds that this single would surface three years after its initial release at the exact time I had been in the market for the base relic?

They certainly were, Katniss. They certainly were.

Here's a look at the back.

It's a bummer that Leaf couldn't slap a small photo of Jennifer somewhere on here. The 2020 edition also features pieces of her clothing.

I might pick up one of these someday, since it commemorates her Oscar win. But it's not a great looking card and not really a priority now that I have a 1 of 1 wardrobe relic. 

Anyway, the election is tomorrow and I'm trying not to destroy myself with anxiety. I certainly have my favorite candidate(s) but above all I just hope that all of the votes are counted in an orderly fashion and that the winner of the presidential race is clear and uncontested. But this is 2020, so... 


See you on the other side...

Thanks for reading!



  1. Dang, a 1/1!!

    We’ll get through this together!

  2. "I just hope that all of the votes are counted in an orderly fashion and that the winner of the presidential race is clear and uncontested."
    Yes, this is exactly what I want as well.

  3. Nice card. Regardless of the outcome... I sure hope people demonstrate self-control and try not to tear apart their city.

  4. I'm glad to see that you didn't stick to your plan! I can't say that I know a great deal about Miss Lawrence, as I've only seen her in two X-Men films, but that is an interesting card though. I'm not sure if I've seen one of those Leaf relics before or not. A picture would be nice, but the lack of one certainly allows for a large swatch of material, bigger than most relic cards.
