Saturday, December 9, 2017

Snowed in with music and cards

Merry Cards-mas, everyone! It's the most wonderful time of the year.. when COMC Black Friday orders and blogger gifts arrive at mailboxes and front porches all across the cardsphere.

I had planned to visit my mother in Connecticut this morning (and a card shop in CT this afternoon) but Mother Nature had other plans and bestowed upon us the first snowfall of the year. 

Fortunately there were two major mail deliveries to my door this weekend - a box of CDs and cards from Gavin, author of Baseball Card Breakdown arrived Friday, and my long-awaited (and snow-covered) COMC order arrived today.

Let's start with the music box (first come, first served) As you probably know, Gavin did some downsizing and offered up a flat rate box of CDs from his collection - plus some cardboard goodies - for the low, low price of $20. I was slow to take him up on that offer, but I'm glad I found the room in my budget because it was well worth the Jackson:

Gavin sent 40 CDs* and over 250 cards.  He also offered to throw in two encased cards - but I got three:

I might jailbreak these - unless someone wants to trade for the Diamondbacks?

About half of the box was full of random cards, including some surplus Padres...


And this extreme collector card of yours truly:

You can't prove it's not me, lol

The other 130 cards were things I collect. About 120 were Red Sox, but I'll just scan the shiny:


 Flatbush legends:

A Trevor Williams numbered parallel! And my first Frank Gore card. (random fact: Taryn Southern also attended 'the U' in the early aughts. Perhaps they knew each other?)

 And no BCB mailing would be complete without Gavin's famous custom card creations:

Best Clemens card ever! (Okay, maybe not..but definitely the best 1991 Fleer card ever.)

My backyard is full of snow, my floor is full of freshly opened boxes, and my room is full of new, fun toys to play with. The holidays are here! But there wont be any traditional Christmas tunes playing in my house for a while...

*Technically Gavin sent 40 discs, but one CD had at least fifteen other CDs on it that he burned for it's more like 55+

A huge thank you to Gavin for all the great music and cards! I shall spend this weekend playing some new (to me) songs and sifting through my COMC order: 500 cards purchased over 9 months --and I plan to scan up every single one of them. 

2 down, 498 to go...

Have a great weekend, everyone!



  1. Those customs are fantastic. I need to get to know Gavin.

  2. I can't believe you got your COMC order already! Mine isn't even supposed to be shipped for another six days.

  3. Love that Darling! I considered buying that card... but ended up picking the Welch instead.
