Monday, April 16, 2018

Cards Are My Antidepressant

In my last post I mentioned that I planned to take a few days off and recharge. I didn't plan on taking a whole week, but I was battling a busy schedule and a bout with depression. Someday I'll go into more detail about my thought patterns and experiences. Maybe.

This week is going to be a tough one as well, but I've got the next two days to reset and relax. The weather has been horrible all "spring", which had made it a lot more difficult to fight through the malaise. Fortunately the flash floods have subsided, the sun is peeking through the clouds... and I've got some new cards to keep me occupied.

Adam Sanders, author of the blog Cardboard Clubhouse (and a fellow Devils fan) sent me a bubble mailer that was so stuffed with 2015 Topps singles that he had to ship the mailer in a Priority Mail envelope! I'm still going through all 210 of the cards he sent me, but if this doesn't finish off my set I'll be shocked. Thanks for the trade Adam!

In addition to this I made an "eBay trade" earlier this month, selling three of my 1956 Topps dupes and using the cash to buy a box o' mystery.

This is what I sold:

And this is what I bought:

One of these arrived at my door this afternoon. (I took a pic on my ipad, but I cant figure out how to send pics to myself)

I actually had a dream about what would be inside, and I'm noting it because my subconscious is always fascinating to me. In the dream I pulled lots of non-descript base cards, an Eric Staal numbered parallel, a Joe Thornton parallel, and in the last row, a stack of PSA-graded vintage buried under...shampoo bottles?!? Which didn't spill on the cards but did crack some of the slabs. Not going to try and interpret that one, lol.

I'm so thrilled that these packages arrived today, when I really needed a mood booster. I've been trying hard to write something on this blog - specifically a Sports Card Tour post - but I had to let my stress and anxiety pass. Good writing or even pedestrian writing can't be forced. 

Green Bay is the next SCT stop, and while I should be extremely excited to write about my favorite football franchise it seems overwhelming at the moment. I can't seem to decide which of my 3,000 or so cards to choose, or what stories to tell. It will be posted soon though. 

And I'll be sure to show you all what's inside the Priority Mail box. Hopefully it won't be bottles of shampoo ;)



  1. If you use a MacBook to to write with you can Airdrop the photos from your iPad to your laptop. Just pair both with Bluetooth and you should be good to go but to be safe, Google the instructions to setup airdrop. Otherwise, I'd use Google Drive to send them to yourself.

    Also, glad the cards arrived safely!

  2. Replies
    1. You'll see ;) I'll have some posts up once I sort through it all.

  3. I could have saved myself some time on tonight's post by copying and pasting your first two paragraph's! I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering too, hopefully it'll just be a temporary a malaise.

    Oh, and some shampoo in those boxes might be the best thing for you right now... provided it's Herbal Essences :)

    1. I'm going to read yours now. I feel like we need a blogger support group here. Hopefully when the weather improves, our moods will as well.

  4. Hope the stress and anxiety passes soon...

    This post made me start wondering if I've had any dreams recently involving cards. Wasn't able to think of any... but being such a big part of my life... I'm a little surprised by that.

    Can't wait to see what's in the box. I kinda hope there's a Joe Thornton parallel ;) Go Sharks!

    1. I've had a few sports card-related dreams, including one where I found a sports card store in the mall and searched frantically for old SLUs before the mall closed.

      I hope the Sharks can finish off Anaheim. I'd like to see Thornton get another crack at the Cup.

  5. Sorry to hear you've been in a bad place. Hopefully something turns soon to bring you some happiness and stress relief. In the meantime stay strong.

    1. Thanks Matt, I appreciate the support. I'm getting there :)

  6. Yeah, hope brighter days are ahead for you!

    And good luck with the mystery haul. I occasionally have dreams where I luck into some great cards, then I wake up and am bummed that I don't actually have them. lol

    1. Thanks Gavin. The mystery haul was interesting. I'll break it down soon. Most of the good stuff was baseball-related.

      TFW you realize that awesome thing you had or did wasn't real. What a buzzkill!

  7. hope by now things are looking up! the spring has been slow coming in MI. I still haven adapted to the 6 months of what i consider cold weather. Gray skies aren't great for your spirit when struggling.
