Monday, July 30, 2018

Jon grabs another vintage gem. Billy is up next.

After a slow start the SCT Giveaway Draft is picking up steam. Three picks were made in a 12-hour span, and all of them were vintage baseball items. 

With the third pick, Jon selects this 1950 Bowman Ray Coleman card:

Billy is on the clock. I have a feeling that the run on vintage baseball cards ends here. 



  1. You feel correctly! I'm going to stick with the #4 and take prize #4- the flat rate box o'hockey. I am guessing you figured I would take that one, and I planned it as soon as I saw the prizes. Glad it was still available! As a funny aside, when I was scrolling down the prize page right now, I thought the title read "And the fans are Bored"

    1. The hockey box is yours! Also, I got some cards form you today, thank you!

      "And the fans are bored"

    2. Nice! I almost told you they were in the mail about three times, but I wanted them to be a surprise.
