Saturday, October 27, 2018


Well...that was exhausting. 

The Dodgers outlasted the Red Sox in an 18-inning marathon last night/this morning, winning 3-2 in the longest World Series game of all-time in the history of ..ever. 

If you stayed up to watch the whole thing, I tip my hat to you - especially if you're in the Eastern time zone. In yesterday's post I assumed that the game would end after 1 a.m. due to it being in Los Angeles. (Forgot about the east coast bias; the game started at 8 p.m. est)

Clearly I was wrong.

When it was 1-1 I thought Oh good, an old-fashioned pitcher's duel. This should be over in three hours. That was wishful thinking. Due to a very vivid and slightly odd dream about Anna Kendrick, I was awake at 4:30 a.m. on Friday. I didn't go back to bed (mistake #1) and I didn't nap yesterday afternoon despite having the day off (mistake #2.) 

As the game kept going and going, and both teams spent their reserves (Boston was playing Christian Vazquez at first base) I was running out of gas - as I'm sure both bullpens were about to. I couldn't make it through the 13th inning; I went to bed at 1 a.m.

The Dodgers had Scott Alexander pitching in the 12th, a guy I had never heard of until then (looking over the rest of the Dodgers' pen, it seems that he's the only guy I didn't know.) Boston brought out Nathan Eovaldi, who was scheduled to start today. He did give the Sox six innings, and he did get a decision on his scheduled start date. But...damn.

I'm not mad at Nate. I'm mad at the trend in baseball, of pulling starters in the 5th inning and spending reliever after reliever until you run out of reliable arms in the 10th inning. This was bound to happen to someone..Unfortunately it happened to "us."

I spent some money at Target yesterday. Pulled three Cody Bellinger cards ...and no Red Sox.

I'm a little mad at myself for not having the energy to watch the end of this classic game. Sure I would have been annoyed that I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. only to see my team lose. But it's a badge of honor for a sports fan. I can still remember watching a Flyers-Penguins 5-overtime playoff game that kept going and going, for about as long as last night's did. I had to see when this marathon would finally end. And I didn't care about either team.

Games like these take a lot out of a team - especially the losing team. Boston has to get up off the mat, find someone who can pitch, and try to piece together win #3 tonight. 

It would help if the bats would wake up.  



  1. I made it until about 2am. Shortly after that crazy 13th inning, I called it a night and went to bed. Eovaldi may have lost, but that one performance won't be forgotten soon. He was amazing.

  2. East Coast resident who was there for the very end! And happily so!

    I agree on the removing pitchers trend. The Dodgers probably won that game because Buehler stayed through seven. I don't know where that performance from Eovaldi came from, I know it's been a while, but there was nothing like that from him when he was with the Dodgers.

  3. I watched the whole thing too (and I'm in the east). A decade ago being up to 3:30AM was normal for me. Now it's quite difficult. But it was a fun game.

  4. I fell asleep sometime after the 13th.
