Monday, November 5, 2018

TCDB Trade #1 (and Secret Santa news)

Some quick bulletin points before I get to my first completed trade on the Trading Card Database:

  • Tomorrow is Election Day in the USA. Y'all better vote - even if you're sick of politics (I know I am!)
  • This year's Secret Santa gift exchange will be hosted by Jon. Head on over to his blog A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts for the info.

  • Night Owl informs me that it is National Redhead Day. I am ashamed of myself for not already knowing here are some gingers I find interesting and/or attractive:

    Katherine McNamara

    Molly Quinn
    Karen Gillan

  • I finished adding all of my basketball cards (more than 3,200) to the Trading Card Database. About half of them are for trade. I'll have a recap post up by the end of the week. That led to my first trade, which I mentioned was with a user from Sweden. I haven't received my end of that trade yet (he's got his cards, so it should be soon.) 

    In the meantime I made a trade with Trevor P, author of the blog Bump and Run Football Cards. Those cards were received today, and so this marks my first completed trade on TCDB. Trevor is a fellow Packers fan, and so I traded about 50 of my green and gold dupes for some set fillers and football stars.


    I'm now down to single digits in my 2015 Topps set build, thanks to these cards. 

    Technically I already had card #656, but as you can see it had a "rediscover Topps" stamp on it.


    Trevor had 21 cards I needed for this year's flagship set, which got me past the 65% completion mark. Biggest names were the Klubot, the Bringer of Rain, and the MVP.


    A trio of HOFers from the 2012 Cooperstown set. I picked these up for Jon if he wants 'em. If not I'll stash 'em in my star box.

    My football star box got a nice boost with this six-pack of Prizm featuring the greatest QB of all-time...and Tom Brady.

    Some Season Ticket base cards here. I don't think Edelman qualifies as a "star" (or a clean player) but I didn't have any of his cards until now.

    Some keyholes or armor plates, or whatever Panini was going for here.

    And the rest of the trade. Hornung will go in my Packers binder (I guess Trevor had a dupe?) Peterson and Ryan are my favorites here. I miss Topps Chrome (non-baseball) cards.

    Trevor, thanks for the trade! I hope you're as happy with it as I am. 



    1. It's cool that you're getting so well acquainted with the TCDB and it's users, by all accounts it's a good place to be a member of.

      Trevor is really good people, so it's nice that he was able to be your first completed trade on the site. Brett Favre... greatest QB ever?

      And thank you for helping to spread the word about this year's Secret Santa :)

      1. I wish it was Favre..but no, it's definitely Drew Brees ;D

    2. Curse my slowness, I could have been the ice breaker. (I know I've been the first trade with at least 4 members already, so that's cool). My health has not allowed me to get your cards out yet. I'm hoping for tomorrow...and hoping for a better place to store them that isn't so painful to get at in the very near future.

      1. Don't worry about our trade, you've had more important issues to handle lately. It's been harder for me to get to the post office now that my job relocated. I used to be within walking distance of two USPS locations. Now I have to take a separate trip - usually on the weekend.

    3. Yes, I did have a Hornung dupe. And now that I've gotten a fellow Cheesehead trading partner, I know who to save my Packers dupes for.

    4. Right after work, I'm going go vote. Can't f'n wait.

    5. What's your handle on TCDB? I'll have to add you to the friends list!

    6. National Redhead day? How did I miss that also? Something about a dang election going on that has people running round in this DC bubble I live near.
