
Saturday, November 17, 2018


This will be my last post before Thanksgiving, and since I've had a lot to complain about this (and every other) year, I thought I'd make a list of things I am thankful for, such as...

  • new music from my favorite bands

Fall Out Boy finally released another album, MANIA, in January. The release was a total mess; the first single "Young and Menace" kinda sucked, and two more tracks circulated before the album was set to drop. Then the band halted its release because they were not completely satisfied with their work (yet "Young & Menace" remained on the album..)

Muse released their latest album, Simulation Theory, about a week ago.

Like FOB - and every other artist these days - some of the songs were released way ahead of the album. ("Dig Down" started circulating more than a year ago.) So it isn't the cohesive concept album that Drones was.. but it's still catchy and cool as hell. Behold my wife's birthday gifts:

I also added this to her pile o' Muse merch...

...which leads me to the next thing I'm thankful for:

  • custom cards from Gavin

In addition to the set of Pretty Girls, Gav made the two MusicCards you see in this post. Based on the response to that post, I'm assuming you all want me to stick to sports! So here you go...

Leftovers from previous Baseball Card Breakdown creations. Gavin, I can't thank you enough for all the hard work you put into these. Much appreciated, my man!

I'm still working on adding all of my football cards to the Trading Card Database, but I've already made a ton of progress with my 1986 Topps set build. User AirPete reached out to me while I was still working on basketball, about a possible trade. I told him I'd send him a PM when I was done adding all my basketball cards, since that's the focus of his collection.

He composed an offer of epic proportions: the trade initially involved 840 cards, but Pete sent a second package of fifteen cards from '89-90 Hoops to replace two cards he could't find and one damaged Mike Singletary single. 


I now have 46.5% of the 1986 Topps football set, and I am very thankful for that. 

Sticking with football, I'm thankful for another very generous trader. Roy (aka Bulldog) of the blog Nothing If Not Random was responsible for one of the most generous trade packages I received all year - and I thanked him by attempting to write a post in under five minutes. Not cool, Chris

When I thought that the book had closed on our trade Roy reached out to me about this card:

Roy pulled this from a box recently and thought that a Packers fan like myself would appreciate it more than he would. And so he sent it my way, no questions asked. Actually, he said "Do you want this card?" questions were asked. But he didn't want anything in return (too bad Roy, I'll get you back eventually!)

So, here's one last Thanksgiving thank-you to Roy, Gavin, and all of the very generous members of the trading card community who make this hobby so enjoyable. 

And thank you to those who have read and commented on The Pedestrian Writer throughout the year. I'm very thankful for your support!

With that I'm going to take a short break from blogging, until my Black Friday purchases are received. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, and best of luck finding Black Friday bargains!

Since I resisted the urge to embed a Muse video I'll leave you with this instead. Enjoy!



  1. Glad those customs worked out for you!
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

  2. Hopefully you won't be taking a break from blog reading too... I need all the support I can get :)

    Fro everything I've been reading, it sounds like this year might be the last good COMC Black Friday sale, so here's hoping that you (and everybody else) find lots of great deals!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I loved Frank as Madden. He was so fun to watch on the Fox pregame show and on MadTV

  4. Wow. Not sure which was cooler... Gavin's customs or that Frank Caliendo video. This will be the toughest choice I face today.

  5. I wasn't aware of Muse's new album. I'll have to check it out! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I'm glad you like the card and I'm glad it is in someone's hands who can truly appreciate it. It is definitely one of the coolest cards I've ever pulled. Top 3 for sure. Enjoy!

  7. 1986 Topps Football is beautiful. Thanks for entering my contest and looking forward to reading your blog in the future!
