Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My 100,000th card!!

It's finally here - the 100,000th card in my collection!

Can you guess what it is? Here are some hints:

It is a baseball card.

Of a Hall of Famer..


In his "sunset" season..

Give up? It's the one and only..

 ...Phil Niekro:

Just kidding! This is not my 100,000th card (I'm still stuck on 98,000 or so.) This is my entry in Matt's April Fools Day Bat-Around prank. By the way..

Did you know that Matt Batts



ever bats?

This is true: Matt Batts played 546 games over ten seasons and didn't get to bat once.

April Fool! Obviously Matt Batts was allowed to bat, I just thought it was interesting that he was never shown holding a bat on any of his Topps or Bowman cards.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Was there a prank I'm not in on??? Sure makes my post look foolish. I like old Matt Batts and have a few of his cards.

    1. Nope, everyone had free reign to do whatever they wanted! Great job Chris!

  2. Congrats on 100,000 Phil Niekro cards!

  3. Yes!! Phil Niekro was my guess! What do I win?

  4. Batts was a teammate of Gus Bell in 1956. Bell played with Niekro in 1964. Niekro faced Gus Bell's son, Buddy fourteen times... and struck him out once.
