Monday, August 19, 2024

Quick Pics

Haven't done a semi-random picture post in a while, so... here's a few pictures I've taken recently:

Happy 10th birthday, Chris. Lol, I got a steal of deal with this Orioles SLU lot. I'd been looking for some plastic protectors for the figures already in my collection (my rare figures are in old, dusty, yellowing bubbles) and one seller wanted $35 for five brand new protectors. I bought a lot of five figures as shown - with the (used) protectors for $35 instead. The Pro Set boxes were $55 total for the pair.

My 666th post recently reached an appropriate comment/view count:

I'm really struggling with this latest Athletics post. Not because I don't know what to write, but because I'm writing too much! I'm a thousand words in and 900 of them have been about Rickey Henderson. I'm not even close to discussing the Bash Brothers. Sigh... I need an editor...

Dennis will appreciate this... I saw this at a sports store in the mall back home this weekend:

First of all, who in their right mind is paying $80 for Alexei Ponikarovsky's autograph? And second.. um.. why is Stevie Y signing Devils pucks?

Jon came across an old postcard from my home town on eBay (not this one) and thought I'd be interested. I showed it to my mom as I happened to be visiting said home town and she told me that Babe Ruth once played on this field. I knew that.. but there was more I didn't know that might interest someone reading this. It was converted to a racetrack, which my mom worked at as a teenager. But in between that time, the field was named after Tigers pitcher "Wild" Bill Donovan - who is credited as "popular Yankees manager" in this article 🙄

It took us five hours to get home from Connecticut because of a major accident (and a flash flood).

Don't know how we could have gone any slower

But when I got home, there was a flat rate box of cards waiting for me.

Anyone building the 2024 Topps Chrome baseball set? Let me know what numbers you need.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Good idea getting the "used" protectors with some figures for the same price! The Yzerman Devils puck is ridiculous. Also, if Rickey can be 1% of all active MLBers then he can be 90% of a post about his A's teams (I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers the quote I'm paraphrasing!)

  2. A. Even after I opened a ton of my SLUs to save space, I kept about 20 to 25 of my favorites and/or more valuable figures. I wish someone would start making affordable SLU protectors, because a bunch of those figures are stored in ziploc bags.

    B. I tend to get carried away when I write. There have been times when I end up deleting full paragraphs. I'd totally love to read 900 words about Rickey.

    C. That postcard is cool. It's super cool that your mom has a story to go with it.

  3. lol, all that Chrome, I got excited for a minute and thought it was regular flagship. I'm about 60 cards away.

  4. Perhaps you can break off those 900 words about Rickey and make it a separate blog post?

  5. Bill Donovan was popular with fans, who were initially unhappy when Miller Huggins replaced him. Worked out rather well for the Yankees though.

  6. Why and when did Pro Set FB cards get to be expensive? $55 sounds nuts to me.

    1. $20 a box, plus $12.95 shipping plus tax. I've been looking in person but no one bothers to bring old junk wax boxes to shows anymore.

  7. Are you keeping the SLU's that came with the cases, or are you gonna try to sell them and recoup some of the money?

    I've said it before on other people's posts, but I really like the way signed pucks look. To me, they're the neatest looking sports item to get signed. I guess it's a good thing (for my bank account) that I don't know anything about hockey.

    Pretty cool connection there about your mom working at the site of the former stadium. If you were me, you'd now feel compelled to collect anything you could that was associated with that place.

    Was that box of Chrome a bulk lot purchase?

  8. What a good deal on the Os SLUs as for the ProSet well.......ya should had mentioned that no one is looking for any mass production stuff to gotten it for $20 total.

  9. Didn't know they made protectors for SLUs.
