Tuesday, August 1, 2023

SSS4 - An Offer

“She came to the store.” Sarah admits. “While you were in Portland.”

Ian seethes. “Son of a—.”

Sarah turns to him with trepidation. “Am I next?” She whimpers.

“What?” He shakes his head in confusion.

“Danielle, Angie, Erin, Katie…”

“What about them?”

“Do you need me to state the obvious?” She volleys, then lowers her voice as other pedestrians pass them. “Bad things are happening to your ex-girlfriends.”

"And that’s my fault?” Ian’s voice rises, nearly shouting. “I didn’t give Erin cancer. I didn’t push Angie down a flight of stairs.” He lets out a couple of slow, heavy breaths. “And Katie? I never dated Katie!”

“Yeah, but she moved away.” Sarah somberly asserts. “She left you. And now she’s sick.”

“Do you think I want that?” He retorts. “Katie’s my friend. I don’t want to see her suffer.”

Sarah slumps down at a nearby bench and buries her face in her hands. She shakes her head until her hair flies around. “I have to break up with you.”

“What?” Ian snaps back. “Why?”

“Either you’re vindictive, or you’re bad luck. And either way…” Sarah trails off.

“If you break up with me,” He starts processing the situation. “I can’t promise you’ll be safe.”

Sarah leaps to her feet. She stares daggers into his eyes. “Is that a threat?” She growls.

“No!” Ian pleads. “No, of course not!” He turns away, placing his hands on his head in exasperation. He spins back around to face her. “Look, if you feel that strongly, I can break up with you.” He gently places his hands on her upper arms and looks into her wistful green eyes. “Would that make you feel better?”

“I don’t know.” Sarah lets out a deep sigh. “What if I can’t control what happens to my exes?”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Ian disputes, then pauses. “Did something happen to Aldo?”

“No, he’s fine, actually.” Sarah frowns. They resume their walk for a few silent seconds before Sarah turns to Ian excitedly. “I think I have a solution!”

Ian claps eagerly. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

“I’m breaking up with you.”


“No, Ian, listen to me.” She calmly states. “I’m breaking up with you. I’m unfollowing you, and deleting your number. And I want you to do the same for me. Don’t contact me, don’t visit the store. Pretend I don’t exist.” Ian simmers. She places a hand on his chest. “For six months.”

“What is this?” He glares at her indignantly.

“You can come back here exactly six months from now – if you want – and if nothing bad has happened to me, we’ll pick up where we left off.”

Ian ponders this. “So if I disappear for six months, and nothing bad happens to you... you’ll take me back?”

“I didn’t say that.” She corrects him. “I said we’ll pick up where we left off.”

Ian paces back and forth a few times. Then he retreats to her. He wraps his arms around her. “It’s been nice knowing you, Sarah.” He kisses her cheek and walks away.

Six Months Later

Ian wanders the beach under midday sun. There isn’t a cloud in the sky or a soul on the sand. The whole area is deserted. He looks to his right. Sarah’s Surf Shop is closed. The metal gate is down. The windows are boarded up.

Ian sighs through his mask. He starts down the barren boardwalk. In the distance he sees a female figure approaching him.

Sarah greets him, wearing a mask over her face. “I didn’t think you’d show up.” She says.

“I didn’t think you would.” He returns.

She reaches for him, takes his mask off, and holds it in her hand. Then she takes off her mask and kisses him. She stuffs the masks in her pocket, and takes his hand.

They continue down the boardwalk together, passing boarded up shops and stands along the way.


The End





Comments are welcome and appreciated. Sports card content will return next week.

Thank you for reading!



  1. You should star writing romance novels. Who knows... you might hit it big and have one turned into a Lifetime movie... which would definitely help supplement your sports card budget.

  2. Dang it, Ian! COVID was all his fault! (Good story, although you left me hanging wondering if Katie is OK...)

  3. That was a bit of an unexpected ending!
