Monday, November 20, 2017

I'm Thankful For....My COMC Find of the Month (and other things)

I purchased about 75 cards during COMC's "Autumn Sales Event" - most of them were low-end set fillers but I did splurge on two $10+ cards. 

This was not one of them.

I spotted this 1952 Bowman Ralph Kiner card while shopping for someone else. There were no condition notes on this card - or another one which I purchased from the same seller (I'll show that off once it's in hand.) 

Although Bowman cards are less valuable and prestigious than their Topps counterparts, there aren't many commons without condition notes on COMC listed at less than $5.00. 

There are no Hall of Famers available in any condition to be had for under $5.00. 

So I'm very thankful that I was able to snag this Kiner card for only $4.25.

I'm also thankful that Black Friday is just around the corner, and I'll have a steady stream of new cards arriving at my door. Not sure what will land first - my Blowout Cards order, or my Secret Santa gift. Either or both of those will make a great bridge to the 500+ cards arriving from COMC sometime in December.

Once that colossal order arrives, I'll have some Christmas cards going out to...
Jon, for sending me a big box of basketball cards earlier this year
Paul, for winning my 50/50 Great Trader Giveaway
Matt, because I need to prepare for battle (more of a small skirmish compared to JBF bombs)
my Secret Santa recipient

and Corky, for creating not one, not two, but four custom cards for me.

I'm thankful for blogger friends with a background in Graphic Design and a passion for pasteboards. And I'm thankful for those of you who read and comment on my blog, and to the baseball card blogosphere at large for making me feel at home in this community. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving (unless you're Canadian, in which case you've already celebrated.) May you all find some fantastic Black Friday deals on cards.. or not cards.

This has nothing to do with Thanksgiving but I wanted to share it anyway. Enjoy!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Chris! That Bowman Kiner looks really fantastic, and that price :)

    500+ cards, sounds like you don't need to worry about source material for next year's posts.

    Oh, and you didn't need to spend any of your Challenges money on me, as the cards you sent a while back were more than enough.

  2. I plan to scan up each and every one of those 500 cards, too. Not sure how I'm going to group them all yet, but that will be half the fun :)

    As for the card I'm sending your way, it's just the one card you asked for a few months back. No biggie.

  3. Can't wait to see what you've got in those 500 "coming soon" cards. That Kiner has me insanely jealous, especially since I've been focusing quite a bit on early '50s Bowman baseball lately. Awesome pick-up!!!

  4. Congratulations on the Kiner. Awesome find. And Corky's customs are sweet too. Hope Taryn signs it for you.

  5. Yeah, those customs look terrific!

    I'm still working on a box of cards/cds for you; I've just been lazy about getting around to putting the rare Nirvana CDs to see if I could sell them. But hopefully soon!
