Thursday, April 23, 2020

Free Stuff Finale

I honestly feel like this whole "Free Stuff Friday" thing has jumped the shark. It started off as a very generous idea by Jon, and it was nice to see other bloggers take the ball and run with it. (Rod has really outdone all of us.) However the number of bloggers making claims far outweighs the number of those who offer up something for others to claim.

It's frustrating to see a blog post that takes time and research and creativity get a smattering of comments while a "Free Stuff" post draws dozens. It's disheartening to see comments from people who haven't visited a certain blog since the last time there was a giveaway. And it's aggravating that Fridays on the blogosphere have become one big race to see who can claim the best stuff first. 

I'm guilty of it, too. I've been looking forward to Fridays, checking blogs to see who's offering what. I'm getting competitive with other collectors and resenting those who simply claim all the available cards for a given sport. I try to be mindful of this when I comment - only claiming cards that truly fit my collection, deferring to others even when I get there first, and writing a meaningful comment that shows gratitude. 

Some bloggers (myself included) aren't reading the fine print. Jim (GCRL) offered up some great cards but they weren't quite free. He was just looking for a little help with his want list, a la Nachos Grande. Which reminds me...
 my wantlist tab has been updated. Hint hint nudge nudge wink wink. 

Anyway.. you're not here to read my complaints. You're here to claim some cards, am I right? 

I've moved "Free Stuff Friday" ahead a day because I'm off tomorrow and I will be venturing out to the post office to ship out trades and claims. I had planned on doing one more round of Free Stuff next week but I'd rather get this all out now while I can.

Please claim up to eight of the cards scanned below and indicate if you do not want me to ship your cards out tomorrow (I know Billy is holding off on receiving mail; not sure about anyone else.) 

We finally get an actual legit sporting event tonight! I'll be watching as much of the NFL Draft as I can, for three things in particular:

  • There was talk that the Dolphins would Tank for Tua last year but they played hard down the stretch (3-2 in December) and they might end up getting him anyway at #5. I hope they do. If Tagovailoa is still on the board when the Panthers pick at #7 it will get interesting. 
  • This draft is loaded with impact wide receivers. The Packers are in desperate need of a play-making pass-catcher to pair with Davante Adams... so they're probably going to end up taking an offensive lineman from Iowa :/
  • The Las Vegas Raiders have two picks in the first round, #12 and #19. I'm not usually interested in the Raiders but I'm curious as to how they will kick off the Vegas era. It's a key component of my next post. Hint

I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on the NFL draft - if you're not in a hurry to claim cards ;)

Again, please make sure to indicate if you do not want me to send your claims tomorrow. I'll have no trouble sending out PWEs but if you've claimed more than 12 cards total and the scene at the local post office is too much to handle I might have to break them up into multiple envelopes rather ship in a bubble mailer. (I should probably do that anyway to save money.) 

Thanks for reading!



  1. Good post. As usual, the minute I start doing something, its jumped the shark! Haha! I think I will keep it up for a while, I'm still having fun. Keep up the good work and enjoy the draft!!!

    1. It's great that you're joining in! I was referring to how the original Free Stuff Friday has mutated into "Free Stuff Every Day" or "Almost Free Stuff on not-Friday" lol

  2. I'll take the Thomas Vanek SP card. Send whenever it's convenient for you.

    I totally hear ya on your lead-in. The last time I had a giveaway I kept it to people who had commented on one of my posts in the last year (that's still pretty generous), to keep away the prize hounds. It's about the only thing keeping me from doing my own Free Stuff Friday, I'd like it to go people who appreciate blogs for content, not just prizes.

    No thoughts on the draft since the Bills aren't picking in the first round. I rarely watch it, but I'll take a glance tonight just to rubberneck.

    Good luck at the post office, hope you don't end up freaking out like I did.

    1. I was not at all nervous about the post office until I saw your post. Yikes!

      Your rule of one comment in the past year was a very generous one, especially with the amount of views you get on your blog.

  3. I would like the Danny Ainge card please. I am almost out of stuff to give away.

    1. I'll start a new stack for you. Do you have a basketball wantlist? I sent you a few Padres with your previous claims but didn't know what else you collect.

  4. Are you saying that I've created a monster? If it makes you feel any better, from what I've heard/been told, more bloggers are planning to do giveaway posts, I just don't know when. I've got too much stuff to giveaway to stop now, so hopefully you'll come by and see if there's anything for you. And I do agree with only claiming stuff for your collection, that's why I always put in that bit about not wanting to add to anyone's trade box.

    As far as this stuff goes, can I get the '88-89 Porter, Vince Carter, and Tony Parker. Oh, and if you're trying to get stuff shipped out, what ever I have accumulated can be sent whenever you're ready.

    1. I wouldn't call it a monster, but it's good to know that more bloggers are planning a giveaway in the near future. As long as everyone claims only something for PC/set needs or comments on regular content - even if they don't give away their own cards - that will make this whole virtual swap meet a much better place.

  5. I would like the Didi Gregorius and Wade Boggs' cards. If the Dolphins take Tua, they should go for OL with their next pick.

    1. I don't have your address since this is your first visit here. Please see my wantlist page and send me an email. Thanks!

  6. I wish I was able to watch the draft, you know, I never have seen one. I think it would be pretty cool to watch one at least once. I imagine it would take a good chunk of the evening up.

    1. The first round takes about as long as a game, sometimes longer. I've watched the NFL Draft almost every year since 1992. Round 1 used to go on for 5+ hours but I think they're a little more streamlined now that the entire draft is spread out over 4 days.

  7. This concept may have jumped the shark in the blogosphere, but it's still going well over on TCDB. I never really followed drafts (in any sport), so even now, sorry. Can't comment. As for free stuff.... :) May I please lay a claim to the Sam Crawford and the McCutchen? Thank you!

    1. I'll send them your way. Glad to see the Free Stuff flowing on the forums.

  8. nice cards here, Chris! As for the page I started awhile back, I set parameters from the get-go. I want my trade pals and long-time readers to have first pick. Even with these guidelines at the top of my page, there is still someone claiming cards each time I list new ones. After emailing him politely twice, I began deleting his posts. He is relentless and now randomly commenting on my posts from years ago. Grrr... As for the NFL Draft, what's that? lol.

    1. Ugh...that's terrible. I'm sorry you have to deal with that Julie. It only takes one jerk to ruin a great concept like Pick Pockets :/

  9. Rodman and Ickey Woods please. Hold them or send them - whichever is easier for you.

    You don't need to send me any cards if I'm one of the people you were complaining about. I've given out a lot of free cards through TCDB, but not through my blog. So if that's a problem for you, I understand.

    Looks like Simmons might slide with teams desperate to fill other positions.

    My Eagles seem to be trading up for a stud WR. I see the need. But I'm worried about the cost.

    1. I guess I'll have to hold them. I still need your address. And no, I wasn't hinting at you, you're good. (what's your TCDB ID?)

      Your Eagles were smarter than my Packers - got their WR (without trading up) and took Hurts (who might be better than Love) in rd2.

  10. This is why I'm worried about starting Free Card post like the ones I've been seeing. I want it to go to people who actually READ my blog but I don't really have a way to control who claims cards and who doesn't. I understand people can't read and comment on every post but I can usually get a good feel for who's actually reading and who's just out for free stuff. The couple times I've done giveaways on my blog brought out dozens of people who I've never seen comment on my blog before or since.

    But alas, I probably will end up doing a Free Card Friday post at some point, just 'cause I feel I need to at least make it up to the people like yourself who've been generously offering great stuff!

    1. "I want it to go to people who actually READ my blog but I don't really have a way to control who claims cards and who doesn't." Exactly. Even when I started doing these and made it clear that the first one was only for folks who commented on my All-Time Teams series.. I got three comments from newbies :/

  11. Sorry to comment again, but this is relevant. I see comments about giving away to only the "real readers" of the various blogs, and I understand that. As the one who brough the concept into TCDB, and seeing what it's doing these days, and seeing who claims stuff there, be glad for those "new names" popping up on the free card posts. I recently ran a "Scavenger Hunt", and the winner was someone who at that point had only ever posted on those forum threads. For all I know, they could read all the forums everyday, but just feel they don't have anything to add to the discussions. WE don't know. (I am another one who despite being extremely active posting on TCDB, I rarely leave comments on blogs, although I read many of them.) Does this mean there are no moochers out there? Of course there are. But don't punish the "less talkative" because of the possibility. (My opinion.)

  12. I've honestly tried my best to avoid claiming anything on these free card posts... mainly because I know nothing in life is free. Even though some bloggers aren't expecting anything in return... down inside, I can't live with that. It'll bug me until I can make things square. I find stuff over on Rod's blog that I find cool all the time. And with distance learning, he publishes his posts right about the time I start reading and commenting on blogs. But 9 out of 10 times, I don't claim anything... because I already owe him three PWE's. And without access to card shows, I'm not sure when I'll be able to buy new autographs for his Frankenset. On the bright side is Rod knows I'm good for it (lol. well at least I think he does) and he hasn't bugged me about payback yet.

    1. I'm the same way, I always need to make things square or at least try to. For example, Rod has been claiming a couple cards from me but Brian hasn't so I'm going to stop claiming from him.

      On that note, you don't have to add me to your "hit list", this was just a Thank You for commenting on all of my All-Time Teams posts :)

  13. I only claim free cards from bloggers I know I'll be able to send cards back to. That's why I don't do Padrographs for example.
    I'll be the one guy who actually takes you up and claims eight: Conforto; Kinsler; Berrios; Chapman; Rosales; Smyly; Dickerson; Albies
    I'm not sending any trade packages until this thing is all over, so feel free to hold on to these for the same.

    1. I'm sending everything out all at once because I've got about 20 PWEs/mailers to send out anyway. You can send a return whenever, no rush.
