Friday, November 4, 2022

Weekend contest - win a free vintage card!

 This Sheldon Jones card is one of two 1950 Bowman singles in my collection.

It's not the oldest card I own. However, it is the first in a chain of singles representing nearly every baseball season from 1950 to 2022. There is only one missing link. This particular year has eluded me, though I haven't tried all that hard to acquire any of that season's offerings. 

Here's the contest: simply comment below with the year that is missing from my collection. That's it. You don't have to specify a brand, since there may have been more than one set released that season.

Consider this a 'thank you' contest for sticking around during my hiatus. Anyone is eligible, though comments will be moderated until the end of the contest, Monday night at 8 p.m. EST.

The winner will receive: a single card from the missing year, up to a $10 value (definitely not a common) Not a baseball fan? No problem! You can't choose the card but you can choose the sport. 

If two readers answer correctly, a second prize will be awarded (probably not from the same year)

If more than two readers answer correctly, those names will be randomized to determine a winner.

Here's a clue: If a year/season you're thinking of contains an iconic moment or milestone, that season is most likely represented in my collection.

Good luck, and thanks for reading!



  1. Tricky question. Could it be one of the strike/lockout seasons like 1994? I have my doubts, as there were so many different cards out there in '94. You must have at least one. But I don't know. Maybe you were out of the hobby at that point in time, and the strike made you even less interested in cards. Going to stick with that as my guess.

  2. Hopefully the hiatus is over! Going to guess 1966. Thanks!

  3. 1965 for no reason other than I like that set.

  4. I'll go with 2002. Thanks for the contest.

  5. I'll give 1951 a shot. (Thanks for the contest!)

  6. I'll guess 1958. Good to see the occasional post!

  7. Well, I can say with absolute certainty 1993 isn't the answer! I'm going to say 1963.
