Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Close Enough

Three weeks ago, I announced a contest to stir up some trade offers with the goal of completely clearing out my tradelist of about 300 cards. 


After a couple dozen trades and a big assist from Bo, I almost made it.

Technically I have 14 cards left on my trade list. However, I'm waiting for a response to one last offer - which would move out half of them. And then I'm done trading for a while. I'll save the rest for next year.

I also have five incoming trades, which should all arrive no later than the 30th. And then I'll randomize the names of everyone I've traded with since Thanksgiving and give away that Vlad.

Perhaps it will go to one lucky collector in Canada.



Thanks for reading!



  1. This title makes me think of that old quote "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades".

  2. Yes this was a fun trade!

    And perfect photo for "almost".

  3. Turning 286 unwanted cards out of 300 into something you want is quite the accomplishment. I'd call that a huge success. Hope the one collector accepts your offer and gets you even closer to 300.
