Saturday, September 7, 2024

You'll never see this on Secret Base

Hey, have you heard about the team that went 54 years without winning a Stanley Cup?

No, not that one... that one.

The Vancouver Canucks have a fascinating history, which I am tempted to break down in a multi-part series like I've done with the Oakland Athletics (or, like Secret Base would do if the Canucks weren't a hockey team.)

No other franchise has been to three Stanley Cup finals without winning one. That alone would make them the most likely candidate for such a series. The Mariners, Falcons, and Vikings stories were captivating and expertly told by Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein. But I already knew most of the key players and moments. Many of their viewers did, too.

Wouldn't it be fun to learn a completely new story? Wouldn't it be interesting to learn the significance of this:

... or this?

... or this?

...or how this happened?

 ... or this?

...or this?

...or how the most beloved player in franchise history broke the career points record at the worst possible time?

...or just for fun, how about this?

Cause I could, ya know. I could tell you all about all of this. There won't be fancy charts or graphs, or that killer soundtrack... but I don't have any of that T-Mobil money, so words and pictures will have to do.

Would any of you have any interest in reading a four-part history of this franchise?



  1. Me: *Doesn't care about the Canucks*
    Chris: "What if I write a series about the Canucks?"
    Me: "You son of a bitch, I'm in!"

  2. Really enjoy your website yes, I would be interested, I thought the Canucks could have won in 94 and in the 11 finals Games sevens, anything can happen

  3. Never heard of secret base. 1994 was the only year I really got into hockey, so it's ironic to think they are now in their own 54-year drought. Meanwhile Rangers are more than halfway through their next 54-year drought.

  4. I Canuck say anything bad cause I like to hear your thoughts about this franchise

  5. Love to see this! I've only been to Vancouver once... but I absolutely loved it.

  6. I know the significance of the roulette wheel!

  7. Not being a hockey guy, my answer wouldn't really be relevant. If you do do it though, I'll read them, but probably won't be able to add anything.
