Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Catching Up

A lot has happened since the last time I posted.

The Patriots won another Super Bowl. Yawn. Here's all that needs to be said about that godawful game: the Super Bowl MVP was suspended for cheating at the start of the season... and this time it wasn't Tom Brady.

2019 Topps Baseball cards hit shelves. I haven't bought any yet and I'm not planning to build the set this year. I do need to get to Target soon (for other things) so I might buy a pack or two if there's nothing else that interests me in the sports card aisle.

Kyler Murray chose football over baseball, which is a bummer for the Oakland Athletics who spent a top-10 pick they won't get back. It will be interesting to see if he's a top-10 pick in the NFL draft, too.

Jennifer Lawrence and Melissa Benoist got engaged. Damn, and I was just about to make a run at one of them...

...is what every MLB team not named the Yankees will soon say about Bryce Harper and Manny Machado. I've got no love for either of these guys (especially Manny) but this is ridiculous. Spring Training is about to start. Someone sign these guys!

That said, I disagree with those who want to scream "collusion" and blame the owners for these stalemates. You can't pass up $300 million and expect me to take your side. And for those players who complain that small-market teams aren't signing these stars (*cough* Verlander *cough*) let's see you sign with a sub-.500 squad. Go ahead. I'll wait. Because honestly, I'd love to see the White Sox sign one or both players. But Bryce and/or Manny have to be willing to take their money.

Anyway...the Grammys happened. I didn't watch a second of that crap. Fall Out Boy lost to Fred Van Vleet or something. But I learned an interesting thing about Arianna Grande:

She was a Florida Panthers fan way back in the Peter Worrell era. Lil' Grande even got to ride the Zamboni, and got hit with a puck -- twice!  

Here's another sports-adjacent news blurb I found noteworthy: Lenny Dykstra is apparently destroying the town next to mine. I always thought it would be cool to live near a pro sports star, active or retired. Slumlord Lenny is an unfortunate exception.

On a personal note, I'm starting to settle in to my new job. The work isn't hard but the days are long and I'm still struggling to find time for blogging and collecting. I've been plugging away at the great big reorganization/cataloging on TCDB project but i'm still frustratingly far from finished.

Also I've started a COMC Challenge...Challenge. This was an idea I had as a New Year's resolution last year, but now that I've finished almost all of my set building projects I think I can hold myself to this. The plan is to put zero money into COMC and only purchase cards using COMC credit earned through challenges. If I can hold off until Black Friday I'd get free shipping on a year's worth of free cards!

The hard part isn't resisting the urge to add cash to the site. It's so tempting to grab the low hanging fruit that I have to convince myself not to keep snatching up 2 or 3 cheap cards at a time, and instead save my credit for cards priced at $5 or more.

Also now that I'm working more and I can't exactly work on COMC Challenges at the office (which I used to do at the law firm) I haven't been able to earn more than a dollar a day.

That said, I have been earning more real dollars a day thanks to this new job...and I finally spent a little bit on some new cards. My next post will be a box break. Nothing major, just a little bit of Big League to scratch the pack ripping itch.

These pics were stolen from TCDB because I unplugged my scanner. It usually sits right next to my computer but I wanted to put my box of football cards there for easy access cataloging. I also bought a couple fat packs of football cards in this purchase...



  1. I was just going to send you an email later tonight to see how the new job was going... I guess I don't have to do that anymore!

    I haven't added any money to my COMC account since the Challenges started, so if I can do it, you should certainly be able to - also, I've only done $3 worth since the beginning of the year, but I haven't been buying anything either, so...

    1. You haven't added any money at all? Wow, that's impressive! Perhaps if I went to more than one card show a decade I could resist adding cash to COMC.

      I guess we were both thinking that it was time to check in. Thanks for the thought!

  2. I read Jennifer Lawrence and Melissa Benoist got engaged and thought you meant to each other. I couldn't focus much after that.

    Glad the new job is going well.

  3. Glad to hear you're getting settled into your new job. And now that you have my attention. How is slumlord Lenny destroying the town next to you? Enquiring minds want to know.

    1. I linked the article..there's piles of garbage all around and reports of unruly tenants in and out at all hours, drug use, noise, etc. There was one report of someone tossing a bottle of yellow liquid out a second floor window. And it sounds like Lenny isn't even around, he's just renting the place out illegally.

    2. Oh man. That sounds terrible. Surprised he's not worried about being sued or fined.

  4. Glad to hear the new job is working out well for you. I've never bought off COMC, but have heard about these challenges. It's an interesting idea - free cards are always a good thing.

  5. Happy you're settling into the new position! A dream job would allow me a little hobby time during slower days. I can understand why you'd miss those moments. COMC challenges are something I tried to get in on but always managed to miss the baseball opportunities. I used to spend a little there too but find pricing jacked up to ridiculous levels now for the few 90s cards I'm seeking. Supply and demand, I guess. Enjoy the box break!

  6. It's great to hear that you're liking your new job, and I'm totally on the same page as you when it comes to the "collusion." I get tired of how outspoken Verlander is, and if Harper doesn't want to accept 10 years and $300 million from the Nationals than he has no reason to complain.
