Wednesday, January 1, 2020

One Goal. One hundred thousand.

Happy New Year!

I'm going to skip the whole year-end/decade-end recap post. You all know my favorite athletes and teams, so you can probably guess what my favorite sports moments were. 

One thing I do want to mention: the Red Sox alone had more championships in the 2010s than every New York-area pro sports team combined. Unfortunately that includes the Devils.. but at least they played for a championship

I shouldn't brag. The Devils have been hot garbage ever since, and this jerk left Jersey immediately after the 2012 Stanley Cup Final (or maybe before the final, since he was invisible against L.A.) 

Also I'm expecting some rough Red Sox seasons up ahead. Mookie Betts will probably end up with the Padres or Rangers, the Yankees will win their 28th and possibly even their 29th title before Boston gets back to the World Series, and there may be another work stoppage on the horizon. 

Which is why I'm hoping to visit Cooperstown this year while I can still enjoy the game. (And because I'll be turning 40 in August.)

That's one option. Another option would be the National Sports Card Convention - which will be right here in New Jersey this year!

I've never been to the National. (I've never even heard one of their songs, haha) From what I've heard and read and seen online it's like the Super Bowl of sports card collecting.

That would be a perfect place to purchase my 100,000th card, don't you think?

I'm in the process of double-checking and updating my collection on TCDB, but at the moment I have just over 96,000 cards.

Technically I might already have 100,000 cards in my collection - but factory sets are counted as one unopened item, not 400-800 individual cards. And so my goal for 2020 is to acquire card number 100,000 according to TCDB.

That's it. That's my only goal. I could make a list of personal things and hobby-related things that I hope to accomplish (but probably won't.) Certainly I'd like to finish some sets this year. I want to add more vintage cards and expand my player and team PCs.

Individually, most of my collecting goals would likely fall short. It would be easier and much more enjoyable if they were part of one larger goal. Also, it gives me the freedom to collect how and what I want this year. 

As for this blog, you may have noticed some design changes are in progress. In the next few days I will have a new header photo and the tabs will be updated. I had hoped this would all be done by 1/1 but the holidays slowed me down a bit. My immediate goal is to have the blog update complete by this weekend, to coincide with the return of my All-Time Teams series. Hope you'll join me for the Angels and Dodgers.

Until then Happy New Year, Happy New Decade, and Happy Collecting!

Thanks for reading!



  1. Happy New Year. I'm planning on attending the National as well this year. I'm looking forward to your All-Time teams series returning

  2. From what I've seen and heard, if you do go to this year's National, it's looking like half the card bloggers are going to be there as well, so it might be one of the few chances for everyone to meet in person.

  3. Can't wait to see what card #100,000 will be. Congratulations to your Red Sox. My teams struggled during the 2010's, but I'm not surprised:

    San Jose Sharks: Zero Stanley Cup Championships (at least they finally made the SC Finals in 2016)
    Oakland A's: Zero World Series Championships
    San Diego Padres: Zero Playoff Games Played (hopefully things turnaround in the 2020's)
    Green Bay Packers: One Super Bowl Championship (2010)
    Seattle Seahawks: One Super Bowl Championship (2013) (that goal line interception still stings)
    San Jose Earthquakes: Zero MLS Championships

  4. It will definitely be interesting to see what card will be your 100,000th. What an impressive milestone. I wish I could attend a National. Happy New year man!

  5. Holy cow. 100k cards. Good luck. My goal is to go to the National as well here soon. Maybe this is the year!

  6. Happy New Year! Good luck on your quest towards 100,000!

  7. A trip to Cooperstown is definitely worth it. They have a couple of nice art museums there too, if you're a museum guy. Looking forward to more all-time teams!

  8. Happy New Year Chris! Sent you a bubble mailer of Red Sox cards yesterday that you'll hopefully see soon. Won't get you to 100,000 but hopefully you'll need at least a handful of them! Looking forward to reading your blog in 2020!

  9. 4,000 cards in 1 year seems doable if you stick to it. The National is a great place to make some progress. Hope to see you there!
