Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Guess The Second Best Contest

Thank you all for your thoughtful answers to my Five Questions survey! It was a great way to learn about your collecting habits and preferences. Nearly all of you answered question five the same way -- that is you've given me license to expand into non-sports topics here on this blog. So let's do that now...

My local radio station ALT 92.3 is doing an "Obligatory End Of Year Countdown" of the 92 best alt-rock songs of all-time. This countdown will run from Christmas Day to New Year's Day and it's supposedly determined by fan vote. 

I'm always skeptical of the influence a fan/listener/reader has on an online poll, especially with this station. Earlier this year they ran a "Control-ALT-Delete" promotion insisting that you can not only ask them to play a song you like.. but you can text them to stop playing a song you don't want to hear. This led them to play a lot more Imagine Dragons tracks, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and this friggin' song every friggin' morning. 

ALT is a fairly new station, so I have no idea which tracks they will choose as the top 92 Alternative Songs of All-Time. But I've got a few guesses, including number one:

That's not to say that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is the best song ever, or my favorite song's just the safest bet to be chosen number one in the countdown.

What song will come in second is anyone's guess -- your guess. 

Guess which song will be #2 on the countdown and win a mix CD. I'm making one for my mom and best friend, so I'll be happy to make another. If your guess is correct, you can e-mail me with up to five requests for songs/artists you'd like and I'll fill in the rest with tracks I think you'll like. 

If more than one guess is correct I'll randomize the correct guesses to determine a winner. If no one correctly guesses the second best song, the winner will be determined by whose guess ranked highest (i.e. closest to #2) on the countdown. 

If you don't use CDs anymore, guess anyway. I can send a PWE with some cards instead, if you prefer. Anyone who commented on my 200th post and has a US mailing address is eligible for this contest. Contest ends when ALT 92.3's countdown begins, so submit your guess by Christmas Eve.

Rock on!



  1. What it should be: something by The Ramones, The Smiths, The Cure, R.E.M, They Might Be Giants, Echo and the Bunnymen, XTC, etc....

    What it will be: Jeremy by Pearl Jam

  2. "It's The End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by the Rockin' REMsters.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Did you delete because NO stole your answer? I think that's an excellent guess considering how often this station playes RHCP. Then again, there is that recency bias to consider.

  4. Not really my music. My first two choices are already picked by Jeff and Brett. Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon

    1. What kind of music do you like?

    2. All time fav band is the Allman Bros. Now I lean towards blues based rock. Although I listen to just about anything. From bluegrass to jazz. Although I do have quite a bit of 80’s in my collection

  5. Hotel California.
    I really have no idea about anything alt...but thanks for the chance and keep on blogging!

  6. Under the Bridge - RHCP

    Like JediJeff said, the best era of alt-music, the late '80s, always gets ignored for stuff like this in favor of the early '90s grunge period. I loved almost everything about '80s alt. But I'll be happy if I never hear another RHCP song again.

    1. Agree 100% This station rarely plays '80s stuff, but they play a ton of RHCP. And dont get me started on the Rock HOF ignoring '80s acts (until now..finally)

  7. Jeremy would have been my choice too, but since JediJeff picked that, I'm going for "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins.

    1. SP are one of my all-time favorite bands. I hope you're right!

  8. Hi Chris, I think it depends on the age demographic of the station's listeners. From the 70's "Anarchy in the U.K." by the Sex Pistols. From the 80's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division and "People Are People" by Depeche Mode. From the 90's "Unbelievable" by EMF and "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette. These are just a few of my personal favorites.
    As for what the masses will vote for, "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam is my official guess because of their staying power.
    I was a DJ at two alternative radio stations from 1989-1993. Great years and great music!

    1. Oops, my guess was taken. I'll change it to "Zombie" by the Cranberries.

    2. That must have been a fun gig! This station skews younger for sure; I very rarely hear anything older than 1991. But their list will be a joke if they leave out the 1980s.

  9. Night Owl and Jedijeff took my top 2. I'll go with Wonderwall by Oasis.

  10. I’m going to go with Wonderwall by Oasis. Who hasn’t sung that song karaoke?!

  11. Well dang it, my first thought was Under the Bridge, and my backup was Wonderwall. Guess I'll go with "1979" by the Pumpkins.

  12. I like that if more than one guess is correct, then you'll randomize the correct guesses. For my guess, I'll go with something a bit more recent: "Madness" by Muse.

    1. If any Muse song is that high on the countdown my wife will be very happy.
