Friday, November 2, 2018

Secret Santa?

With the blogging retirement of Secret Santa host Matt (Bob Walk The Plank) earlier this year, there hasn't been any mention of a gift exchange (to my knowledge, anyway...maybe someone mentioned it on Twitter?)

Since we're now in November I thought I'd ask...would anyone like to participate in Secret Santa 2018?

Additionally, would anyone like to host Secret Santa 2018? If there are 20 bloggers willing to participate and no one else has volunteered to host...I will host it. 

Please share your thoughts in the comments. We'll try to hammer this out by the conclusion of this weekend. 



  1. It's too early to think about Christmas! ;) I'm sure you're not the the first to wonder if Matt will be doing it again this year. Whether it's Matt, you, or someone else - you could probably count me in. Last year was fun, and introduced me to one of my more favored blogs to read!

  2. I'm willing to participate but I don't have the ability to host right now. I had Christmas music on in the car on the way to and from the doctor today.

  3. I was just going to send Matt a DM via Twitter about this today. If he didn't want to do it, I was going to ask for his blessing and see if I could host it.

    1. Great minds think alike! If he gives you the go-ahead I'll be happy to participate.

    2. Matt was kind enough to give me the reigns (pun intended), so it looks like I will be hosting it.

  4. It would be interesting to take part again..

  5. I'd be down for it, it's fun to put those packages together.

  6. I would only be interested if I didn't have to ship internationally

  7. Been fun doing it the past two years. I'd be down for doing it again. Guess I'll head over to Jon's blog to check for sign ups. Thanks for bringing it up.
