Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Taking a break / random 311 post

I thought I'd take a little break from the baseball research with an impromptu post of random things. 

It's 3/11! What's your favorite 311 song? I think mine is either "Beautiful Disaster" or "Don't Stay Home". Their cover of The Cure's "Love song" is pretty good, too. A lot of my high school friends listened to 311 but I didn't get into them until much later.

Have you seen any good movies lately? I was finally able to get out to the local video store (aka the library) earlier this month. Couldn't find any new releases that were interesting so we rented Long Shot (which I had wanted to see for a while) and Why Him? 
Long Shot was really funny. I enjoyed that one a lot. Why Him? was good, too. The actress who plays James Franco's girlfriend looked familiar to me - sort of like Isla Fisher, or Emma Roberts. My wife was the one who searched Google/IMDB for Zoey Deutch because she's usually good at recognizing people in movies/TV shows.. and the reason she looked familiar is because she's Lea Thompson's daughter. 

Zoey starred in the film adaptation of Before I Fall, which I have sitting on my bookshelf. I'm not certain I've read it, but if I have it was at least four or five years ago when I was immersing myself in Young Adult fiction. 

Sometimes I feel like I've outgrown all the books, movies, and TV shows I used to enjoy. Then manager (who is a dozen years older than I am) was talking to one of the guys about Arrow. They're both big fans and I've never seen it. They were talking about the ending, and the characters they liked..and she said she likes Mia because "Mia is a badass."

Mia is played by Katherine McNamara. That sweet little thing is a badass now? Where does the time go?

Speaking of lovely ladies who can sing.. you may have noticed the picture on my right sidebar changed. I went down a bit of a wormhole earlier this week because a Carole King song came on at work.. and my mind immediately went to Melissa Benoist.

Goddamn that woman is talented. Y'know, Glee never interested me at all but I might have to give it a chance some time. I've seen Pitch Perfect at least twice. It's pretty much the same thing, right?

It's the weirdest thing. I rarely - almost never - have any interest in female singers. Some of them might be nice to look at but their music doesn't appeal to me. Except Lynn Gunn of Pvris. She frickin rocks:

That said, nearly every actress and entertainer I've liked over the past few years can also sing. I think I made a playlist of them all in a  post some years back, so I won't repeat myself here. I know Kristen Bell was on that list...

One other thing we watched recently was the fourth season of Veronica Mars. I might have to share my thoughts on that in a separate post - not that anyone cares, lol.

Do you have a favorite singer or actress at the moment? Any Veronica Mars fans reading this? Let me know if I should bother with a recap post in April :)

Switching back to sports.. I completed my 102nd trade on TCDB earlier this week, which was supposed to be a one-for-one with user terrbear5951. I offered up my extra Ryan Zimmerman manupatch for a Satchel Paige MLB Debut coin. When Teresa checked her collection she realized that the Paige was no longer there and asked me to pick a replacement. I didn't mind at all since she had a lot of things I needed. I made a list and asked her to send whatever was fair. This is what I received:

All the Boston guys were on my list. The Ultra Jordan was too, but I wasn't expecting a graded copy. No idea why she sent the 1994-95 Ultra cards, I'd asked for 1993-94 Ultra singles. But that's okay. I think this was a fair return - though I'm not sure what to do with the MJ now.

I don't want to get into a whole big discussion over the Coronavirus, but it would be a shame if Joe Thornton played his last home game in an empty arena. I'm not sure how much he has left in the tank but I'd really like to see him come back next year and take one last run at a Stanley Cup - with anyone but Pittsburgh. Or Carolina. Or the Rangers. Or Winnipeg. Or St Louis. Or...damn there's a lot of NHL teams I don't like.

Anyway, that's all the random thoughts I have for now. Its' been fun to free-write a little bit. The All-Time Teams series will resume this weekend. I'm working hard to complete it before the season starts in 15 days. Also, at the conclusion of the series - and a "Free Stuff Friday" exclusive for those of you who have commented on the series. (There will be cards to claim from all sports, not just baseball.)

Thanks for reading this randomness!



  1. I think Come Original is my favorite 311 song. I had never heard of them until the guy across from me in my college dorm introduced me.

  2. It's funny, my wife was just telling me last night that 311 was going on tour with Incubus this summer!

    1. I saw that! They're coming to NJ on my birthday.

  3. 311 was never one of my favorite bands, it's not that I dislike them, I just don't own any of their stuff, and don't go out of my way to listen to them. Hearing them on the radio does take me back to the mid 90's, which is a good thing in small doses, but I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing their cover of Love Song again (that applies to the original too).

  4. I'm with you Chris, beautiful disaster all the way! I enjoy these random posts, you should put them up more often!

    1. Thanks! At least one person likes likes them.. that may be all the motivation I need ;)

  5. Was kinda nervous about listening to 311's cover of Love Song, since The Cure's version is so awesome... but I was happy that I clicked on the link you provided. After clicking on the Beautiful Disaster video, I immediately recognized the awesome song.

    As for a current singer I'd call my favorite... I'd go with Stevie Nicks. I've been listening to a ton of Fleetwood Mac since last summer. As for actresses... none really pop into my head at the moment. I mean... Grace Park is smoking hot... but I haven't watched her in anything since Battlestar Galactica.

    1. The 311 cover definitely has a nice 'coffee house' vibe to it. If I hadn't heard it before I'd be nervous too, because I am very picky about Cure covers.

  6. Ive been bingewatching and rewatching Veronica Mars again. I loved that show when it first aired.
    I helped join in for the kick start of the 2014 movie.
    The 4th season ending....

    1. ... I know, right? Gah!

      If I were to do a VM post I'd have to rewatch the movie. I saw it in theaters at the time, but I've forgotten pretty much all of it. Very cool of you to contribute, btw.
