Thursday, June 6, 2019

Card Cataloging Complete!

My six month-long cataloging and reorganizing project is complete!* For the first time in my card collecting life I know exactly every card I have and where to find it! This project took way too much time, and took me away from the blogs (and other life things) for too long. But I cleared a lot of space in my card room. 

Actually I've got about 40 cards to put away but it's close enough :)

My base card binders and star player boxes are a thing of the past. I now have all of my base/insert/parallel cards sleeved and in chronological order. There are separate boxes for player/team PCs and relics/autos/thick base cards. 

My Red Sox/Packers/Devils/Whalers base cards are still in binders, but all of my complete/near complete sets are in individual boxes or binders. I actually have room on my shelf for two more binders, because I stashed so many in my closet. 

I have tons of supplies I no longer need. Over 2,200 used top loaders and about 1,000 9-pocket pages, plus hundreds of penny sleeves and a few storage boxes. The storage boxes will probably be recycled but I'm hoping to sell the top loaders if the shipping cost is reasonable.

Also I added 1,000 cards to trade on TCDB. Mostly dupes from the overproduction era. I'm certainly willing to trade more from my (non-PC) collection, I just didn't want to take the extra time to decide until everything was cataloged. If you see anything you like, let me know. Or just add me to your friends list :)

I'm so happy that this is done because now I can clear my schedule for summer reading, addressing my health, household projects, and more blogging time! There are lots of post ideas percolating in my mind - including a Stadium Series, Connecticut Cards, and other subjects. But first I'm going to catch up on all of your blogs...

I bought this New Haven Ravens team set 20 years ago and never opened it. Apparently the team store stiffed me card #22..



  1. Congrats! I've never done that before.

  2. Congrats. My collection is way too big and way too disorganized for me to achieve the same rate of success. Mine is more of a retirement project (I'm not even sure I can ever afford to "retire") than a quick fix project. I'd love to be super organized as I was when I was a kid and up til my teenage years (to early 20s sort of hiatus years).

  3. Well done! It feels good to be organized, doesn't it?

    1. It sure does! It's a strange feeling though, like...what do I do now?

  4. Tim Blackwell's mustache game was very strong! I've been reorganizing my cards as well, I'm still not sure if I'd ever be comfortable with strangers seeing what I do and don't have though.

    1. That is a mild concern for me, but TCDB has an option to set your collection to "anonymous". I'm also considering printing out a list of everything I have straight from the site, then removing half my inventory.

  5. I need to be better organized, but know that will never happen

  6. You cataloged your entire collection? That's so awesome. I'm so jealous.

  7. As someone who completed a major organization overhaul a year or so ago, I know what it's like to finally be done. I categorized all of my player collections online and, for whatever reason, Joe Rudi was the last player. I still remember how excited I was when I entered his final card into the Google spreadsheet.

  8. Major props. My collection is small and I can't even spell organized. Great job!

  9. Congrats on getting everything organized!

  10. Never going to happen for me. Congrats!
