Tuesday, November 5, 2019

So...where was I?

When I published posts in the Sports Card Tour series I often felt as though the project was too ambitious. Computer issues, work stress, and home life disrupted several posts. On at least two occasions I had a panic attack because I couldn't write. It was immature and alarming, and it didn't stop me. I took a deep breath and regrouped. I finished the race and enjoyed the ride. 

Completing that project made me feel invincible. I craved another challenge. Thirty posts, thirty days, thirty teams. Again, I questioned my ability to follow through. Yet I shook off the doubt and got the ball rolling. And then...

To say I've gone into hiding because some jackass disagreed with my picks for the Orioles outfield is.. an oversimplification. It may have even been a blessing in disguise. The truth is, I was already behind schedule due to circumstances beyond my control, and on the edge of another panic attack. I needed a day or two to vent, dust myself off, and recharge. But I had afforded myself no such luxury - and the next team in the queue was my personal favorite. I did not have the time or the mental clarity to reveal the Red Sox all-time team. And so I stepped away for a day. And a day became a week and a week became a month and a month became two. 

In the meantime, I spent more time with my family. I went out for walks (shedding a few pounds in the process), played soccer with my girls, organized my collection (again), read articles on Deadspin (R.I.P), and watched the playoffs. Once Washington won the World Series (and my daughter's soccer season ended) I suddenly had some free time. I lurked around my old blogger hangouts - Penny Sleeves, Jesters, Chronicles, BCB. I peeked at Brian's Save Second Base event - which reminded me of another post I failed to follow through on. 

I didn't plan on a prolonged hiatus, and once it happened I didn't plan on returning. But that too has happened. I won't even attempt to predict how I'll feel in the next two months. Perhaps I'll follow through on completing the all-time teams project, at a much more manageable pace. Perhaps I'll sneak away again until the holidays are over.

Thanks and apologies to those of you who reached out, emailed, sent cards to me, or mentioned me on your blog. I will get back to you all asap. 



  1. Hey! Disappearing, and then not replying to emails from worried friends isn't cool, especially when one particular friend sends multiple emails. But, that friend won't be able to stay annoyed with you for very long, as he's just glad to know that you're not lying in a ditch somewhere, or that something bad has happened to someone else that's close to you :)

  2. Thanks for the update. First and foremost, you have to take care of yourself. It seems like this break was beneficial. If/when you return to blogging regularly, your loyal readers will be there. We'll even be there when your not blogging.

  3. Glad you are OK. A mental health break is OK but please let us know if you need that...even a quick private email to one of us letting us know you are alive would be fine. We were really starting to worry about you!

  4. Glad youre Ok. Ive enjoyed your blog a lot over the years. Here's hoping you return to the blogger world, but more importantly here's hoping you continue to take care of yourself

  5. I'm glad to see you back at the keyboard... but even happier that you were able to spend some quality time with your family and go for some nice walks. I've been putting on some weight... and need to get out for some fresh air myself. Anyways... I hope to see more of all-time teams... but if you didn't finish them I'd totally understand. This blog is all about you brother. You've got a loyal following that will appreciate whatever you decide to write about. And if you need a longer break... then you need a longer break. Family and personal health are way more important than cards and blogs.

  6. Like everyone above me said, welcome back and glad all is going better now!

  7. Sorry to hear that things have been difficult. I was enjoying the All Time Teams series, and I hope we'll get the rest of it, but taking care of yourself and your real life rightly comes first. Best wishes.

  8. Glad to hear everything's okay with you. Take as much time as you need getting back into things. Until then, take care of yourself, and I'll be patiently awaiting that Red Sox post :).

  9. Thank you everyone. I will try to catch up with you all by the end of this week.
