Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Allen and Anna - A Crossover Comparison

With all the new sports cards I've received this month and a three day weekend on the calendar I was planning to complete a sorting project or update my card count these past few days. My in-laws had their usual Memorial Day cookout and I stayed home - not because I'm afraid I'll get the Corona (though I'm taking it more seriously than they are) but because I simply needed a day off. It's been four months since I've had the house to myself, and I'm sure my family was happy to have a break from me.

But as Saturday approached I felt fatigued. Whenever I have any free time I default to something sports card related: sort cards, shop for cards, catalog my collection, read blogs.. this hobby of ours is a lot of work. And last weekend I was just tired of it all. I needed a day off from cards. 

I didn't want to spend my three-day weekend falling into an OCD sorting spiral, and so I caught up on non-card things I've wanted to do for quite a while. That included watching a movie my wife had no interest in, and reading some of the online articles that were overflowing my bookmarked folder. 

A couple of the articles were sports related but many of them were current and not-so-current news about books, movies, and actresses that have caught my interest. I read commentary from multiple sources about Anna Kendrick, my current fave, and the consensus seems to be that she isn't selective enough about the projects she chooses.

I won't bore you with the details of that take, except to say that it all led me to The Ringer, and the sequel to an article entitled "What's Your Plan, Anna Kendrick?" Here's one sentence regarding her new series Love Life that jumped right off the page:

Watching Kendrick in it is like watching Allen Iverson on the turn-of-the-century Sixers: a small, dynamic, eminently lovable performer trying like hell to carry an enterprise built on obsolete ideas.

I've never thoroughly compared an entertainer to a sports star, but I was intrigued by the idea. And so I tried to come up with some other comparisons. See if you can think of who I'm thinking of:

Comparison #1

  • Once-in-a generation talent
  • Has earned several individual accolades
  • Carried a franchise in their early twenties
  • Has yet to celebrate their 30th birthday

Comparison #2

  • Tall, versatile import
  • Entered the scene at the end of the 1990s
  • Won a major individual award
  • Model of consistency for over two decades
  • Internationally known and still underrated

Comparison #3

  • Long, lanky superstar in their prime
  • Ascended to stardom around 2007
  • Initially image-conscious and sensitive to haters
  • Occasionally eclipsed by an even bigger star

I'll give you a couple of clues: all three entertainers are women, and none of the athletes are NFL stars. 

Answers - and some sports card content - in my next post :)

Thanks for reading!




  1. Okay here are my guesses, though I'm certain I'm probably incorrect on all of them! Mike Trout, Dirk Nowitzki, Tim Lincecum? Not even sure where to start on the actor/actress side! Looking forward to the reveal post, I'm intrigued...

  2. I really like both Allen Iverson and Anna Kendrick - so I am a fan of this post as well.

    Since those guesses above look right to me, so I'll guess the other side - Jennifer Lawrence, Cate Blanchett, and uh, Taylor Swift?

  3. It's too early for me to think, so apologies for not tossing out any guesses. I just wanted to agree with your take on how time consuming collecting can be, and blogging even more so. I often wonder if people who've never had a blog ever fully realize how much time those of us who do, spend on this little our hobby of ours? I also often wonder what I could be accomplishing if I weren't spending so much time blogging/blog reading? I'm guessing that it wouldn't be much, but it's still fun to think about.

  4. No idea on who the women entertainers are... but I'm guessing Dirk Nowitzki for #2 and Kevin Durant for #3.

  5. I think those other guesses for the men are pretty good. Here would be my shot at it.
    1. Mike Trout / Ariana Grande
    2. Dirk Nowitzki / Heidi Klum
    3. Kevin Durant / Venus Williams
