Saturday, January 26, 2019

First Day Mailday from Wes and Julie

I started my new job yesterday. There was someone using my desk and I don't have a computer set up yet, so the whole day was spent observing the other collector as she talked me through what she does/what I will be doing. I just hope I don't forget it all in the next six days, since I wont be going back for good until Friday.

In terms of actual work, it was the easiest day ever. The boss even buys his staff lunch on Fridays, so I got free pizza and a salad in exchange for doing nothing. However, the lighting in the office and/or the lack of sleep messed with my senses at times. And the day dragged on hardcore after about 2pm. I felt like a pitcher who's been coming out of the bullpen for six years and now the team is stretching him out to be a starter. Am I done yet? Why am I still here? I'm f*cking tired!

Anyway..when I finally got home I had stories to tell my family (they have cereal for everyone! The radio at my supervisor's desk played your favorite song!) I also had exactly as many comments on my First Day post as I had packages in the mail (three.) I'll show off two of them here. 

Julie sent me a surprise mailer just a couple weeks ago, and since I'm a greedy s.o.b. I requested more cards from her. She kindly obliged with this hand-picked PWE:

Moar Sox pls. There were a couple non-Sox in the PWE, including Brooks Robinson...

Jose Altuve and Chipper Jones. As indicated by Julie's sticky note, the Playoff Portraits Pedro is a parallel! Say that three times fast. (Playoff Portrait Pedro parallel. Playoff Portrait Pedro parallel. Playoff Portrait Pedro parallel.)

Also, my goodies from Wes's Area 40 Megabreak arrived. By the time I got in on the action all of my favorite teams were taken - except one. So I had to think outside the box a little.
  • I chose the Rockies in case Wes pulled some former New Haven Ravens. 
  • I chose the Tigers because they were my father in law's favorite team and I have at least three trading partners who are Tigers fans.
  • I chose the Dolphins in case Wes pulled any Dan Marino hits.
  • I chose the Devils because they were still available!
  • And then I chose a random NBA slot but then changed my choice when the NBA teams were getting picked off. Bad idea. Not only was "Random NBA" a good choice, I switched to the Nashville Predators for the chance to pull a P.K. Subban card..and I'm not sure Wes opened any post-lockout hockey cards. 

Wes showed off some of the hits ahead of time, so I knew I had at least four cards coming my way. These were the surprises:

No Marino in the Dolphins pile, but I got a Ricky Williams parallel #d to 56 and a Chris Chambers parallel #d to 275. There's some kind of lava effect that isn't showing up in the scan. As I mentioned in my birthday post Chris and I are both 8/12 babies. More on this in the next day or two...

Two Devils here, including a Petr Sykora parallel and a Patrik Sundstom auto. I've seen these on the blogs before but I know nothing about them. Are they packed out in blasters? At least Sundstrom is correctly identified on this Pro Set card; the year before he was mistaken for Peter Stastny

Also this is the only (surprise) auto I received and I'm thrilled that it's a Devils player who had a solid career and not some scrub from the Dolphins' practice squad.

Here are the Rockies Wes pulled:

Boom, baby! Todd Helton orange parallel #d to 25! (4 of 25 to be exact) Helton is the most notable of all former Ravens, and is also a player I recently wrote about

Wes also included some SI for Kids cards, possibly as filler (unless he had stacks of the magazines in his break?) These were the best of the bunch (i.e. athletes I've heard of):

A new Ohtani for my star player box, and lots of new additions to my Women on Cards binder. Two UConn greats, two gymnastic stars, and an all-time tennis legend. Very cool!

Here are the cards I knew about already. Wes pulled four Tigers hits - two relics and two autos:

Wes, thank you so much for allowing me to participate in the mother of all box breaks. The stories of your unrivaled generosity will be told for as long as people blog about baseball cards.

Julie, if you're reading this, please choose any two of these Tigers and I'll pack 'em in a PWE along with a few other cards you collect. Thanks for all the great cards you've sent me this month. I promise I wont request any more...for a while ;)



  1. Oh, the Ohashi card is too cool, having just seen that video a couple weeks ago.

  2. It's good to hear that the first day went relatively well, I would imagine that it might take you a couple of weeks (maybe even months) to start getting used to working full-time again.

    Looks like you did pretty well in the Wes-break too, that Ricky Williams is pretty nifty, and the orange Todd Helton isn't too bad either.

  3. Hope the job proves to be excellent!

    Great cards all around. That orange Helton is nice.

  4. Why thanks Chris! Very generous of you! There are exactly two here I don't have - the Spectrum and Turkey Red! So glad you enjoyed the cards! Drop by my blog any time. Who knows what you'll find there! ;)
