Wednesday, May 2, 2018

TTM Success - Fuji (and also a contest or two)

About a week ago I was reading one of the posts from Zippy Zappy's highly successful Blog Bat Around when I spotted a truly unique autographed card. Among the Koufaxes and Kershaws and Trouts and Pujolses, there was one auto that really caught my eye: 

An authentic, on-card autograph of a sports card collecting legend. And this Fuji auto didn't even cost me a stamp - I just sorta asked for one..and he obliged. What a guy!

This is my first successful TTM attempt in quite some time. The only other TTM request I've sent since college was last year, when I sent a few custom cards to Taryn Southern:

Corky (Pack War) did an amazing job on these. Unfortunately I sent them to a PO Box listed on one of her websites... and the mailer bounced back to me three months later.

Fuji 1  Taryn 0

Not only did Mr. Fuji return my TTM request (in one week) he also included some extras:

Birds! I'll flip some of them over so you can see the backs (or fronts)

Magic! Fuji also included a pair of Hakeem cards and a Beam Team insert with Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley, and Clyde Drexler. Nine new NBA cards for my growing collection.

 Fuji 2  Taryn 0

Fuji is currently running a contest so head on over to his blog The Chronicles of Fuji and comment on some of his posts. You could win fabulous prizes from his incredible collection! In fact, the contest sounds so good I might just sample his idea - and JBF's
Perhaps I should start a mini-collection of Blogger customs

I'm going to do some Spring Cleaning this month. And I'm going to give some things away. I can't promise anything on the level of these generous greats, but I think it will be fun.

How do you enter? Well, if you've commented on any of my Sports Card Tour posts.. you've already entered. And if you haven't done so, don't worry - the contest hasn't started yet. 


I'm going to award points for every comment I receive on a Sports Card Tour post. The more points you earn, the higher your draft position will be. (I'll have more details next week when I publish my Memphis post.) Until then, go enter Fuji's contest! And if you have time, comment on some of my SCT posts. Bank those points!

Fuji, thanks again for the signed custom and the extra goodies! I hope I'm not stealing your thunder here. 

Also, do you think Wes will sign my Hamburglar card? :-P



  1. A Wes autograph might be hard to come by now. He is now officially retired from blogging. I'm trying to get him to do one more post though to wrap up our shenanigans. Hopefully he doesn't disappear like JD Salinger or something.

  2. Not to brag, but I'm kind of a Fuji supercollector. I think I've got 2 or 3 of his auto cards with different color ink.

  3. I've got a signed JBF card sitting in my collection! I thought I was out of my 2008 Topps cards... but it's actually the 2015 Topps design that I'm pretty much out of. Keep up the great blog! Love those Sports Card Tour posts! Oh... and thank you for plugging the contest.

  4. I somehow have 3 of those Wes cards signed. Not complaining about that! My kinda dupes
