Sunday, May 27, 2018

Waiting 'Til Legendary Cards Come To Life!

My 10-day vacation is just about over, and there's still so much to be done around the house that I feel like I need another week off to tackle it all. I was able to work on a few household projects (mostly my own) while still giving myself plenty of time to relax, watch two seasons of The West Wing..and enjoy all the new cards I received in the mail. 

P-town Tom (Waiting 'Til Next Year) is one of the most generous card bloggers out there. Once again he offered to send loads of cards to anyone willing to take them off his hands. I claimed his Red Sox cards and received over 120 cards that were new to my collection. 


Most of the 9,000 cards Tom offered were
from 1986-1994, which means lots of Wade Boggs...

..and Roger Clemens, with a couple Mo Vaughn rookie cards and some other nice early 90's issues. But there were some early 80's cards in there, too.

I was waiting for these to arrive so that I could attach them to a bigger thank-you post for some cards that arrived on Monday - including a surprise PWE from Shane (Shoebox Legends). In just nine cards Shane managed to cover lots of ground - from vintage WHA-lers to shiny Finest refractors including an NJ Devil.

Shane also sent five Red Sox ranging from a Reggie Jefferson auto to a Roger Clemens variation. The Mike Greenwell Topps Kids card is one I don't think I've ever seen (despite being a kid at the time) and the Russ Nixon replaced one I had just sent out days earlier...

Bo, author of the blog Baseball Cards Come To Life!, inquired about my 1963 Topps cards (which I had received from Tom) and we worked out a trade for a mix of '69s:


 Sox from the Seventies:

More recent Red Sox:


 And set fillers:

Bo sent over 80 cards, including more Red Sox and some basketball.

In all I added over 200 new cards to my collection during my week off. Tom, Shane, Bo...thank you so much for the great cards! 

I'm off to my mother in-law's for daughter's birthday party.  Hope you're all enjoying the three-day weekend!



  1. I got a surprise package in the mail yesterday...from you! Thank you! As for me, I spent yesterday at the WWII Encampment at FDR's home, ( and today I am watching the Indy 500, will watch the 600 later, and the Monaco Grand Prix, and I'll fit in game 7 of the Cavs/Celtics series as well!

    1. You're welcome! I had been building a stack for you and since I had to send cards to Bo I shipped yours, too. Those are some neat photos (you really are the "Mad Documenter"!) I hope you enjoyed your visit to the encampment. I'm watching the Celts-Cavs game 7 as I type this.

  2. I can relate to vacation. In two weeks, I start somw vacation time and cannot wait. I am hoping to get my cards organized during that time off.

    1. My cards are about 90% organized. I tried to do too much otherwise I would have finished.

  3. Glad there were some cards in there you could use!

    1. Definitely! And I'll use the dupes as a Sports Card Tour giveaway prize. Thanks again!

  4. My vacation is two months starting June 29th.. Mind you I'll still have some work in there.. Just not daily lol

  5. Sorry I'm late to the party, family wedding this past weekend have been playing catch-up since! Glad you could use a few of the cards, I'll be dropping PWEs on you from time to time going forward now that I'm better organized with my dupes/trade fodder. Expect a steady stream of Red Sox and Whalers going forward!
