Thursday, July 1, 2021

NBA Week PWE Swap Meet

The NBA Finals are just around the corner. Here at The Collector (and The 1993) we're celebrating the sport with a week of posts similar to the NFL Week series from December. 

It was a lot of fun coming up with a topic a day for football, and I'm already working on some posts about basketball - and basketball cards. Thanks to bloggers like Billy, Kerry, and Jon my NBA collection has grown exponentially over the past few years. But it still trails the other three major North American sports:

A couple bloggers have offered to send basketball cards if I do an NBA swap meet - and I couldn't imagine doing a theme week without one. The Swap Meet stand is open for business!

My football card collection was under 10,000 before the first Swap Meet, in which I requested any football cards in exchange for a PWE of cards that fit your collection. I know I won't get to 10,000 basketball cards, or even 6,000. But if I can get to half of my football total I'll be happy.

The NBA Swap Meet will be a little different. Participants can send me any 12-15 unwanted basketball cards in exchange for 12-15 cards of your choice. Basketball card prices have gone through the roof over the past year and a half so I'm not expecting any rookie cards of Zion or Luka or Trae. Early '90s Hoops, Upper Deck, and Skybox cards are fine with me. It might even kick-start a set build or two.

There's been some mention of rack packs 'round the cardsphere and I thought that it would be fun to recreate those in my offerings. At the end of NBA Week I will scan up over two dozen 3-pocket pages available for claiming so that you can see the front facing cards. Here is a sample:

Anyone who comments on a basketball post and wishes to participate can select a PWE (or more). There will be hundreds of cards available from all sports, brands, and teams. Perhaps even some vintage and an autographed card or two ;)

If we've traded before I'll send your PWE as soon as it is selected. If you're new to the blog I will be happy to swap but I must ask you to send a basketball card PWE first. And if you plan to send more than 15 cards my way, please let me know and I'll put together an equal amount of cards for you. 

NBA Week officially tips off tomorrow at The 1993 and returns here starting Saturday. I hope you'll join me for a celebration of basketball - and a PWE swap :)

Thanks for reading!




  1. I'll participate in this, sounds fun! I'll see how many of your guys on your wantlist I can hit. I'm also probably going to a show this weekend so I may have more than just a basketball PWE for you, hopefully.

  2. I’ll definitely do this! I’m out of town until Monday and will send when I get back.

  3. I'll send something your way. Pretty sure I still have your address but will let you know if not.

  4. I don't really have any modern basketball... but I have 90's I can send your way. Do you have a specific team you're interested in? If so, I might be have an autograph and/or memorabilia card for you as well.

    1. If they're '90s cards, Rockets or Pacers. If they're more recent, Bucks or Celtics. Thanks!

  5. I'll send something for sure. I've got well over 1,000 basketball cards I have no use for. If you want I'll send you a small flat rate box or two, in exchange for a few dozen baseball or football cards. Mostly early 90s but some more modern.

  6. I should be participating. What's your opinion on collegiate / unlicensed basketball cards?

    1. Not really a fan of those, but if they're players I collect or UConn alums I'll take 'em :)

  7. Send me your address, I have a few basketball cards to send you. You sent me a PWE a few weeks back so this will help me repay that. rmitchell6700 at yahoo dot com is the email. Thanks
